Tarek Sharshar
He is a neurologist, professor of intensive medicine at Paris Cité University and head of the neurological center at CHU Sainte-Anne, in Paris. He did his doctorate at Imperial College. He collaborates with the Emotion and Memory laboratory of the Institut Pasteur and he also supervises a research program on neuroprognosis at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris and has long-standing collaboration with the Fiocruz Institute (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). His main clinical research topic concerns neurological disorders in critically ill patients, including intensive care acquired neuromyopathy, encephalopathy, delayed awakening but also long-term neuropsychological disorders. He has coordinated three randomized clinical trials in myasthenia gravis, status epilepticus, and post-ICU syndrome. His primary translational research themes include behavioral response to stress, disorders of consciousness, and brainstem dysfunction. He currently supervises the ProReTro project on the prognostic value of neurological and neurophysiological brainstem responses in deeply sedated patients and the Sounds4coma project which aims to develop emotional sounds to elicit brain responses in comatose patients.